Recognition of Aboriginal People and Aboriginal Cultural Practices

Aboriginal culture and peoples have been in Australia for 60,000 years.  Aboriginal people are the original Custodians of the land and it is important that this be recognised and reflected in the work practices of our organisation. This recognition allows for promotion to the wider community of Aboriginal protocols and the sharing of Aboriginal cultural practices.  This in turn, will promote better relationships between Aboriginal people and the wider community.

 Acknowledgement of Country:

Goulburn Family Support Service acknowledges the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of this nation. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the lands on which our company is located and where we conduct our business. We pay our respects to ancestors and Elders, past and present. Goulburn Family Support Service Inc is committed to honouring Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters and seas and their rich contribution to society.

 Our commitment to Working with local Aboriginal Communities and Families.

Goulburn Family Support Service Inc is committed to improving outcomes for Aboriginal peoples in the local area. We aim to achieve this through:

Respect: Cultural respect is concerned with the attitude and values of individuals. Goulburn Family Support Service (GFSS) aims for cultural respect by ensuring  our organisation respects values and promotes the uniqueness and strength of Aboriginal culture. We recognise the diversity of Aboriginal cultures and respect the culture of the local Aboriginal community.

Family and Community: GFSS aims to work with Aboriginal families acknowledging local families and communities. We aim to promote cultural awareness and commitment to Aboriginal self-determination, cultural respect, cultural responsiveness and cultural safety when providing services to Aboriginal families and children accessing our services.

Protocols and Engagement: GFSS aims to provide services to Aboriginal families acknowledging Aboriginal history and that much Aboriginal disadvantage occurs as a result of systematic racism and structures that exclude Aboriginal governance, culture and reality. Our agency protocols include the development of partnerships with the local Aboriginal community to assist us in our engagement and work with local families, this also acknowledges different Aboriginal groups within our community and also recognises Aboriginal family and kinship ties.

Cultural Safety and Competence: GFSS aims to develop partnerships with Aboriginal organisations to ensure ongoing development of the agency’s cultural competence, demonstrating respect towards a satisfying outcome. We acknowledge the need for workers to self-reflect on our service delivery and encourage evaluation and practice change when required. We recognise that cultural safety is concerned with whether or not the client is ‘safe’ from covert or overt cultural abuse. In other words it is a reflection on the client’s experience and when the client feels safe to be themselves.