What changes have occurred between you and your children?

“Less yelling and screaming and wanting to strangle her.”

“They talk to me.”

“Understanding her more, coping better.”

“She doesn’t think I’m angry anymore, she sees the positive in me.”

“They have noticed we are not fighting anymore.”

“Showed me how important they really are to me.”

“I understand what they are feeling and why they react to certain situations they way they do.”

“The children were no longer witnessing arguments between their parents. We improved the standard of our parenting.”

“They were happy to see mummy and daddy not yelling at each other anymore, and being more affectionate to each other and the children. This has brought us all closer together as a family.”

What was the outcome of your visit to GFSS and was it i the outcome you requested?

“Yes, understand my behaviour and reactions to things.”

“Yes, less yelling.”

“Yes, it was even better an outcome than requested, my partner was able to open up, we work better together and were leaving this program to move as a family in Wollongong.”

“The service has shown me and taught me how to handle negative situations in my life and the fact that they have to be dealt with so I can move on with my life in a positive way.”

“The outcome was that we are working on our marriage and we are still together, we are talking and communicating with each other and not fighting. This was the outcome we wanted.”

“The communication was improved and fear and anguish decreased, between myself and my husband.”

“To fix our marriage, yes.”

Further Comments

“I understand the plain English way the counsellor puts things.”

“I liked the down to earth way the counsellor spoke to us, he was not judgmental, and he was an ordinary everyday bloke, which made it easy to talk and relate to him. Love the Bear Cards.”

“This is a very valuable service for families, especially those (like us) who could not afford expensive counselling and would otherwise continue to struggle without support.”

“This service helps children by helping parents.”

“The counsellors a truly beautiful, caring person. I really appreciate all her time.”

“The service has shown me and taught me how to handle negative situations in my life and the fact that they have to be dealt with so I can move on with my life in a positive way.”

“Mind frame with or without my partner. The fact that I can see my problems and the problems of my partner. I am now able to see when I am in and out of the Compass of Shame.”

“I think that a lot of people would benefit from this service and I have been using things I learn on family, friends and even in work situations.”

“Thanks very much, it is a very worthwhile service and I have been recommending it, we appreciate the help.”

Client evaluations following Explicit Affective Practice interventions include:

“Family support very friendly and relaxed. I felt we achieved more in the first visit than after 5 visits with a counsellor”.

“The service has been good to me because I have been given another tool in life on how to deal with not only my ex partner and children. It has also helped me in my professional life. It makes you think about what is the best for you and what action is the best for you”.

“We got an understanding on how emotions work and what to do to keep everything on an even basis”

“We worked through the framework to have better communication for parenting issues and the separating process”.

“I had no idea what to expect but believe this framework taught by Bill will help me through this really tough period.  Also I reckon it will be great for all future relationships as well as for my kids and family. Many thanks”.

The outcome of my visit;

“is to seek help and new ways of controlling my temper and anger etc. To therefore have better relationships with the people I care about”.

“The outcome was that we are working on our marriage, and we are still together. We are talking and communicating with each other and not fighting. This was the outcome we wanted”.

“The communication was improved, and fear and anguish decreased between myself and my husband”.

Changes in relationships with children:

“They were happy to see Mummy and Daddy not yelling at each other anymore, and being more affectionate to each other and the children. This has brought us all together as a family”.

“This is a very valuable service for families, especially those (like us) who could not afford expensive counselling, and would otherwise continue to struggle without support. THIS SERVICE HELPS CHILDREN, BY HELPING PARENTS” (client emphasis).

Client evaluations following Explicit Affective Practice interventions include:

“I have learnt more about problem solving and parenting.”

“Tools to control anger, feelings and behaviour.”

“That everything was explained and that I could really understand what was being taught to me because it was all new.”

“Gave me good ideas.”

“The use of the Compass.”

“That I was given a direction of the way I think which will now direct me to making the right decisions.”

“Helping to talk to kids and how to be positive.”

“The little booklet that we were given especially the whole Compass info.”

“The Compass and questions.”

“The Affects and the pressure/support box.”